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- <title>
- Russia's Boris Yeltsin to UN Security Council
- </title>
- <article>
- <hdr>
- Foreign Policy Bulletin, January-April 1992
- Security Council Summit Meeting: Boris Yeltsin, President of
- the Russian Federation
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> This summit meeting of the Security Council, the first of
- its kind on the political Olympus of the contemporary world, is
- an historic and unprecedented event. The end of the 20th century
- is a time of great promise and new anxieties. The never-ending
- search for truth and an insight into what the future has in
- store for humanity seem to be getting its second wind.
- </p>
- <p> Perhaps, for the first time ever there is now a real chance
- to put an end to despotism and to dismantle the totalitarian
- order, whatever shape it may take.
- </p>
- <p> I trust that after all the unthinkable tragedies and
- tremendous losses that is has suffered, mankind will reject
- this legacy. It will not allow the 21st century to bring new
- suffering and deprivations to our children and grandchildren.
- </p>
- <p> The process of profound change is already under way in
- various spheres of life and above all in the economy.
- </p>
- <p> It is a problem that concerns not just individual nations or
- states, but the entire humanity. After all, an economy
- mutilated by ideological diktat and built contrary to all common
- sense forms the principal material basis of totalitarianism.
- </p>
- <p> A profound awareness of this causal relationship has led the
- Russian leadership to embark upon a most difficult reform. We
- have taken that risk in a country where an all-out war was
- waged against economic interests for many decades.
- </p>
- <p> I am grateful to the world community for its support of our
- efforts and for the understanding that not only the future of
- the people of Russian, but also that of the entire planet
- largely depends on whether or not the reforms are successful.
- </p>
- <p> I am also grateful to Russians for their courage and
- patience. They should take a great deal of credit for the fact
- that the world community is breaking with its totalitarian past.
- </p>
- <p>Making Democratic Changes Irreversible
- </p>
- <p> Democracy is one of the major assets of human civilization.
- </p>
- <p> All times and all countries have known people who stood up
- to defend it without sparing themselves. The people of Russia
- defended democracy near the walls of our Moscow White House.
- </p>
- <p> Now we must accomplish the most difficult task--that is,
- the creation of legal, political and socioeconomic guarantees
- to make democratic changes irreversible.
- </p>
- <p> All of us carry a huge burden of mutual mistrust. It is no
- secret that a most profound abyss has separated the two states
- that until recently were referred to as the "superpowers." This
- abyss must be bridged. That is the wish of our nations and the
- will of the Presidents of the United States of America and the
- Russian Federation.
- </p>
- <p>Weapons of Mass Destruction
- </p>
- <p> The new political situation in the world makes it possible
- not only to advance new, original ideas but also to make even
- the most ambitious of them practicable. Our proposals have been
- outlined in our messages to the U.N. Secretary-General, Mr.
- Boutros-Ghali, and the U.S. President, Mr. George Bush.
- </p>
- <p> Russia believes that the time has come to considerably
- reduce the presence of means of destruction on our planet. I am
- convinced that together we are capable of making the principle
- of minimum defense sufficiency a fundamental law of existence
- of contemporary states.
- </p>
- <p> Today there are real opportunities for:
- </p>
- <p>-- implementing deep cuts in strategic offensive arms and
- tactical nuclear weapons;
- </p>
- <p>-- resolutely moving towards significant limitations on
- nuclear testing and even towards its complete cessation;
- </p>
- <p>-- making ABM [anti-ballistic missile] defenses less
- complicated and costly and eliminating antisatellite systems;
- </p>
- <p>-- considerably reducing conventional armaments and armed
- forces;
- </p>
- <p>-- ensuring practical implementation of international
- agreements on the prohibition of chemical and bacteriological
- weapons;
- </p>
- <p>-- enhancing the reliability of barriers to the proliferation
- of weapons of mass destruction.
- </p>
- <p> The problem of experts engaged in the development and
- production of such weapons, including nuclear physicists, has
- lately become a top priority.
- </p>
- <p> No country has the right to use its talents for political
- gains at the expense of international security. Russia is fully
- aware of its own responsibility and is taking steps to provide
- social security to such experts. At the same time, we support
- the idea of establishing international centers which could
- coordinate appropriate research and support the most promising
- areas of work.
- </p>
- <p> I think the time has come to consider creating a Global
- System for Protection of the World Community. It could be based
- on a reorientation of the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative
- [SDI], to make use of high technologies developed in Russia's
- defense complex.
- </p>
- <p> We are ready to actively participate in building and putting
- in place a Pan-European collective defense system--in
- particular in the Vienna talks and in the upcoming
- post-Helsinki II talks on security and cooperation in Europe.
- </p>
- <p> Russia considers the United States and the West not as mere
- partners but rather as allies. This is a basic prerequisite
- for, I would say, a revolution in peaceful cooperation among
- civilized nations.
- </p>
- <p> We reject any subordination of foreign policy to pure
- ideology or ideological doctrines. Our principles are clear and
- simple: supremacy of democracy, human rights and freedoms, legal
- and moral standards.
- </p>
- <p> I hope that this is something that our partners in the
- Commonwealth of Independent States also hold dear. We support
- their earliest admission to the United Nations and believe that
- this will have a beneficial impact on the evolution of the
- Commonwealth itself.
- </p>
- <p> The Commonwealth has been formed by the participating States
- on the basis of full equality and of their own free will. It
- rests on natural human ties among millions of people. Russia is
- fully aware of its responsibility for making the Commonwealth
- of Independent States a tangible factor of stability in the
- world.
- </p>
- <p> This applies above all to nuclear forces. The participating
- states of the Commonwealth share the view that nuclear weapons
- are an integral part of the Strategic Forces of the
- Commonwealth under a single command and unified control.
- </p>
- <p> Today talks are underway about the future of the Armed
- Forces of the former U.S.S.R. The main task is to carry out
- their transformation in a civilized manner and on clearly
- defined legal basis.
- </p>
- <p>Political and Civil Rights
- </p>
- <p> Our topmost priority is to ensure all human rights and
- freedoms in their entirety, including political and civil
- rights and decent socioeconomic and environmental standards.
- </p>
- <p> I believe that these questions are not an internal matter of
- states, but rather their obligations under the U.N. Charter,
- the international covenants and conventions. We want to see
- this approach become a universal norm. The Security Council is
- called upon to underscore the civilized world's collective
- responsibility for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
- </p>
- <p> In the near future Russia intends to adopt legislative acts
- that will reflect the highest international standards in the
- field of protection of human freedom, honor and dignity. This
- applies above all to ensuring personal security, the Criminal
- Code and Corrective Labor Code, protection of Russian citizens
- abroad, alternative military service and other issues.
- </p>
- <p> We are prepared to accede to the international instruments
- on migration as well as to join in the efforts of the U.N. High
- Commissioner for Refugees. I believe that the experience of the
- world community in these areas will be useful for Russian and
- other states of the Commonwealth.
- </p>
- <p> A few days ago the ten remaining political prisoners were
- pardoned by a decree of the President of the Russian
- Federation. There are no more prisoners of conscience in free
- Russia.
- </p>
- <p>Support for Strengthened United Nations
- </p>
- <p> Ladies and gentlemen, a special role in establishing a new
- international climate in the world belongs to the United
- Nations. This Organization has stood the test of time and
- managed, even in the ice-cold age of confrontation, to preserve
- the nascent norms of civilized international cohabitation
- contained in its Charter.
- </p>
- <p> We welcome the United Nations' increased efforts to
- strengthen global and regional stability and build a new
- democratic world order based on the equality of all states, big
- or small.
- </p>
- <p> Russia is prepared to continue partnership among the
- Permanent Members the Security Council. The current climate in
- the activities of this body is conducive to cooperative and
- constructive work.
- </p>
- <p> For us, the peacemaking experience of the United Nations is
- particularly valuable.
- </p>
- <p> The new Russian diplomacy will contribute in every possible
- way to the final settlement of conflicts in various regions of
- the world that have been unblocked with the assistance of the
- United Nations. We are ready to become more fully engaged in
- these efforts.
- </p>
- <p> We will make use of the effective role of the United Nations
- and the Security Council and take part in the search for
- lasting solutions to the Yugoslav and Afghan problems and for
- a normalization of the situation in the Near and Middle East and
- in Cambodia and in other regions.
- </p>
- <p> I believe that we need a special quick response mechanism,
- as mentioned by President Mitterrand of France, to ensure peace
- and stability. Upon decision of the Security Council it could
- be expeditiously activated in areas of crisis. We are prepared
- to become practically involved in U.N. peacekeeping operations
- and contribute to their logistical support.
- </p>
- <p> My country firmly supports steps aimed at asserting the rule
- of law throughout the world. It is necessary to enhance the
- prestige of the International Court of Justice as an effective
- instrument of peaceful settlement of international disputes.
- </p>
- <p> On the whole, I think it is high time we considered
- launching a serious reform in the United Nations. The world has
- changed and certain areas of U.N. activities have lost their
- relevance. Apparently we should forego those structures which
- yield no practical benefits to Member States.
- </p>
- <p> We are ready to present our suggestion regarding a reform of
- the United Nations.
- </p>
- <p> Ladies and gentlemen, it is an historical irony that the
- Russian Federation, a state with an age-long experience in
- foreign policy and diplomacy, has only just appeared on the
- political map of the world.
- </p>
- <p> I am confident that the world community will find in Russia,
- as an equal participant of the international relations and a
- Permanent Member of the Security Council, a firm and steadfast
- champion of freedom, democracy and humanism.
- </p>
- <p> Last year's events have confirmed that the nations of the
- world have now come of age and are capable of adopting
- responsible and meaningful decisions. This was vividly
- demonstrated by the developments in the Gulf, when our joint
- efforts resulted in just punishment of the aggressor, and by
- the defeat of the coup in Moscow last August.
- </p>
- <p> Difficult work lies ahead for us all to consolidate the
- positive trends in the evolution of today's world and to make
- them irreversible. It is only on this basis that we can ensure
- a decent and prosperous life for our nations and every
- individual. Russia is prepared to do all it can to achieve this
- goal.
- </p>
- <p> In conclusion, permit me to wish you, Mr. Boutros-Ghali,
- every success in your important post of U.N. Secretary-General.
- Thank you.
- </p>
- <p>(Text provided by the Permanent Mission of the Russian
- Federation to the United Nations, New York.)
- </p>
- <p> The presidency of the Security Council rotates among the
- members in alphabetical order for one-month periods. The United
- Kingdom, as presiding member for January, provided impetus for
- the meeting, and its Prime Minister, John Major chaired it. The
- statements reprinted here are those of the five Permanent
- Members of the Security Council. They are in alphabetical order
- (by country) except for the United Kingdom, placed last because
- Prime Minister Major read the "President's Statement" on behalf
- of the entire Council.
- </p>
- <p> The ten Nonpermanent Members (Nonpermanent Members are
- elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly) were
- represented by: Austria, Chancellor Franz Vranitsky; Belgium,
- Prime Minister Wilfred Martens; Cape Verde, Prime Minister
- Carlos Veiga; Ecuador, President Rodrigo Borja; Hungary, Foreign
- Minister Geca Jeszensky (representing Prime Minister Jozsef
- Antall); India, Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao; Japan, Prime
- Minister Kiichi Miyazawa; Morocco, King Hassan II; Venezuela,
- President Carlos Andres Perez; Zimbabwe, Foreign Minister Nathan
- Shamuyarira (representing President Robert Gabriel Mugabe).
- Texts of their statements can be obtained from the United
- Nations in New York or from the Missions of the individuals
- nations to the U.N.
- </p>
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